
We ARE in a great state of transition.  This is a great opportunity for families to share time together such as eating a meal together which had gone by the wayside for most.  Mother Nature is forcing us to focus on what is most important, each other. There are so many heroes in our purview right now:  all the humans who are willing to fight against the invisible danger to protect and help you and others be invisible by quarantining them.  They are all around you, look around and you will see them.  From the scientists who are searching for the antidote to all of the medical professionals who are risking their health to help those who have contracted the enemy, to the computer wizards who are finding new ways to inform you or teach your children or give you ways of communicating with the outside world. We humans do not like change but change is here and it is for our betterment. Let’s get creative and choose how to put our own flavor of this pandemic in the mix.

Mother Nature is the model for change as she adapts to all that her human guests ask of her.


I was surprised when I discovered some face masks in my garage.  I had bought them for a painting project many years ago and they suddenly appeared into view yesterday.  Who can figure?  Check your nooks and crannies and you may be surprised what suddenly appears to you.  Check out the surprise that was discovered, it is a good feeling article. I bet there is a lot to be discovered by others out there.

Here is another thought of how this Corona Pandemic got started.  I really hope they research this and publish the truth behind their investigation. No fear allowed, our inventions came into being because of someone thinking out of the box. Perhaps this could give us much more knowledge of how the 5G can affect our human bodies.


I hope no one forgets that yesterday was THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING. There is a lot to smile about.  I now have about 40 of the ducks I call MY DOBBLERs.  These are the transient ducks that use my lake as a go between either going north or now going south.  They make me laugh as they keep diving under and suddenly popping up, they chase each other around also.  The males have a lot of white on their bodies while the females are brown.  If they are not close to my beach, I see all the white bobbing up and down as they “fish” for food.  Oscar, the seagull, is fun to watch as he acts like a drone hovering above the 40 ducks and then dives at one to get their treasure.  I laugh as the duck merely dives under water to avoid him but he must get some sustenance as he keeps trying anyway. This morning I watched as a male duck calmly swam toward two other ducks that were of a different breed.  When he got almost about 10 feet from them, he calmly turned and started swimming the other way.  All of a sudden, he spread his wings and flew off in the opposite direction.  My thought at seeing all of that reminded me that he may have been the scout sent out to seek if the other two ducks were willing to join him and his group. This is a link to video’s that will make you smile.  Perhaps you and your family might get to see more of how an Aquarium deals with quarantine.

Love and Light

Mary Grace