
Have you had the chance to listen to any of the 4 episodes of “The Healing Miracle”. There are still more to come. I sent you the link in a separate email from my newsletter to give you a heads up on this revolutionary Stem Cell breakthrough.  It has so much information that I was not aware of before watching these episodes.  Do you know that one of our states, Texas, has a legislative law now that makes it legal to have the injections?  If one state has achieved that status then the rest are right behind, I hope.  If we make our lawmakers aware of just how much this would help the pain and the suffering of humanity, I know they will pay attention.

We have all heard the cliché: “Body, heal thyself” or “The answers lie within you”.  Imagine all you need to stop your pain is what is already in your body so there is no need to “create” the healing solution from any other source. Your own stem cells can be used to heal most situations that your body faces especially as you get older.  It is also being used to help the brain of children and seniors.  Can you tell I am excited that there is such a simple solution to many of humanities ills?  One problem exists though and that is our insurance companies do not recognize it yet so they will not pay for it.  What would you pay out of your pocket to be able to get out of your wheelchair to being active and alive again?  And….it is almost painless to achieve freedom within your mind, body and heart. And….it is fast acting.

The stories in these episodes will tear at your heart but also give you such a smile on your face as you watch what people are experiencing. The episodes are up for viewing for 24 hours after the talk.  I am not sure how you could get to watch the first 3 but, believe me, even if you get to watch one episode it will give you such hope for the present and future health opportunities. 

Here is also a new way to rejuvenate many people who have been so hindered in life by an act that is legal today. Can you just imagine the relief that is felt when they can wipe the  slate clean ?  Whew!

Talk about getting a new lease on life.  Check this  miracle  out.  If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it.

Do we really appreciate what we actually have or are we always yearning for more?  This is a story that humbles me and makes me aware of just how “rich” I am.

From a Monarch butterfly to a duck, they are not alike at all but they are living creatures.  Aren’t we a living creature?  We have been gifted with a mind and heart that can create happiness for another. In doing so, we create such a high level of satisfaction that we achieve a fuller life of fulfillment and joy. Isn’t it  awe inspiring  to watch today’s youth bring that promise to our awareness.

Humans going way above the call of duty.  That is called real LOVE FOR HUMANITY. Nurse    Stranger

Love and Light

Mary Grace